Command line arguments
If you use runSandwichWithCommandLineArgs, then you can control your tests with command line arguments. This section contains a quick overview of the available arguments, and explains how you can add your own custom ones.
Quick reference
- Choose a formatter:
. - Choose a default log level:
. - Choose a visibility threshold:
--visibility-threshold N
(or-v N
) - Repeat the test suite N times:
--repeat n
(useful to exercise flaky tests) - Prunes any nodes (and their children) in the test tree whose label contains a particular string:
--prune some_string
. Pruning happens before filtering, no matter the order of the arguments. - Filter the test tree to a string:
--filter some_string
. Filtering happens after pruning, no matter the order of the arguments. - Learn about extra flags controlling extensions:
. - List test modules and flags to run them individually:
. (Requires the use of test discovery.)
This list isn't exhaustive; to learn more about shorthands and other options pass --help
Custom command line arguments
For more complex tests, you may want to be able to control them with custom command line arguments. To do this, you can write your own set of options with optparse-applicative and run your tests with runSandwichWithCommandLineArgs'. The primed version accepts your custom options parser.
This will cause your options to be parsed along with the default ones. To obtain the full command line options inside a test, call getCommandLineOptions. This will return a CommandLineOptions a, where a
is your custom options type. A convenient helper is getUserCommandLineOptions, which returns only the a
without the built-in stuff.
The example below shows this in action. Note that the type of the top-level spec changes from the usual TopSpec to TopSpecWithOptions' a.
import Options.Applicative
import Test.Sandwich
data MyArgs = MyArgs {
myArgsFoo :: String
, myArgsBar :: Int
myArgsParser :: Parser MyArgs
myArgsParser = MyArgs
<$> strOption (long "foo" <> help "Value of foo" <> metavar "STRING")
<*> option auto (long "bar" <> showDefault <> help "Value of bar" <> value 1 <> metavar "INT")
commandLineArgsDemo :: TopSpecWithOptions' MyArgs
commandLineArgsDemo = describe "Custom command line args" $ do
it "Uses the custom command line args" $ do
MyArgs {..} <- getUserCommandLineOptions
warn [i|Got foo: #{myArgsFoo}|]
warn [i|Got bar: #{myArgsBar}|]
main :: IO ()
main = runSandwichWithCommandLineArgs' testOptions myArgsParser commandLineArgsDemo
Now we can run this with
cd sandwich/sandwich-demos
stack run demo-command-line-args -- --print --foo asdf --bar 42
and the tests will use our custom values.