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Hedgehog integration

You can use sandwich-hedgehog (provided as a separate package) to easily integrate integrate Hedgehog tests into the test tree.

Haddocks can be found here.


To use sandwich-hedgehog, just add the package to your project. Then, introduce a Hedgehog argument context using introduceHedgehog. Now you can start writing props as test nodes using the prop function. For example:
import Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
hedgehogDemo :: TopSpec
hedgehogDemo = describe "Hedgehog tests" $ introduceHedgehog $ do
prop "List reversal" $ do
xs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) Gen.alpha
reverse (reverse xs) === xs
prop "Failing list reversal" $ do
xs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) Gen.alpha
reverse xs === xs

Modifying the parameters#

If you use introduceHedgehog', you can pass your own value for the HedgehogParams.

If you want to modify the already-introduced arguments in a test tree, we provide the modifyArgs function, as well as helpers like modifySeed, modifySize, etc. These are modelled directly after HSpec's Test.Hspec.Hedgehog.

Controlling Hedgehog parameters with command line args#

If you use the introduceHedgehogCommandLineOptions family of functions, then some Hedgehog parameters can be controlled via the command line. To see the valid options, run Sandwich with --print-hedgehog-flags.

Usage: demo [--hedgehog-seed STRING] [--hedgehog-size INT]
[--hedgehog-discard-limit INT]
[--hedgehog-shrink-limit INT]
[--hedgehog-shrink-retries INT] [--hedgehog-confidence INT]
Available options:
--hedgehog-seed STRING Seed as a tuple (a, b)
--hedgehog-size INT Size of the randomly-generated data
--hedgehog-discard-limit INT
The number of times a property is allowed to discard
before the test runner gives up
--hedgehog-shrink-limit INT
The number of times a property is allowed to shrink
before the test runner gives up and prints the
--hedgehog-shrink-retries INT
The number of times to re-run a test during shrinking
--hedgehog-confidence INT
The acceptable occurrence of false positives


A demo is provided in the Sandwich repo.

git clone
cd sandwich
stack run demo-hedgehog -- --tui